4 and Above
What's Up Duck?

In the story, Duck is struggling a little, but his friends, Cat and Dog show him kindness and try to help him so he can feel calmer, happier, and more relaxed.

Aims of this story

In this story we will look at the story of What’s Up Duck and explore the concept of emotional wellbeing.

Have a chat with your child to see if any similar situation has happened to them. Discuss any concerns they may have.

Key Messages

  • We all have emotions and feelings, and we can all be affected by them in good and not so good ways – this is completely normal!
  • We should try to help our friends if they are struggling with their emotions and feelings.
  • It’s important to know how we can help ourselves, but we can also get help from others too.
  • To be aware that we can help our friends and those we care about, but we also need help from trusted adults too as we are only young.
  • Everyone deserves to feel happy, healthy, and content.
  • Promote that children should always tell an adult, that they know they can trust if they are worried or scared.

Explain to your child:

In the story, Duck was struggling with some emotions and feelings he was having.

Understanding how we cope with our emotions and feelings and their importance in our lives can be given a name – our Emotional Wellbeing.

We are going to learn some things that can help us if we feel our emotions and feelings are a bit tricky for us to deal with. You may have felt, worried, panicky or, just not right!

Explain to your child:

These sorts of feelings are not so nice to go through, so we are going to show you some things you can do for yourself if you ever do find yourself feeling like this.

You might remember Cat helped Duck through a difficult time he was having. We will look at what Cat taught Duck and have a go at some other ways that we can try and get ourselves calm again.

Let’s learn the three 'calming' exercises below:

  1. Fantastic 4’s
  2. 5 4 3 2 1
  3. A B C

Go through each one of the exercises individually and practice them together.

Activity: Techniques

Explain to your child:

In the story, Duck was struggling with some emotions and feelings that he was having.

We are going to look at our emotions which are the things we experience that lead to us to have feelings.

There are 6 basic emotions:

  1. Happiness
  2. Sadness
  3. Anger
  4. Disgust
  5. Fear
  6. Surprise

Ask your child:

Can they think of some situations where they were experiencing these emotions?

Activity: Emotions what are they

In this activity we will look at the story of What’s Up Duck and explore the concepts of emotional wellbeing (EWB).

Explain to your child:

It is not 100% accurate to say we will ALWAYS be able to identify what emotions and feelings a person is going through just by looking at them. We will usually need to ask them, 'How are you feeling?' or 'What’s up?' to truly know exactly what is going on for them. Like with Duck in the story, talking about how you feel is a good thing!

But there are times when we know, or feel, that we may have upset or offended someone. So, what can we do when this happens?

One thing you could say is:

  • I’m sorry, I think I have upset you. I didn’t mean to.

If you are not sure what you said, or did, to upset someone you may want to say:

  • I’m not sure what I did to upset you, but if I did then I am sorry. Can you tell me please?

Now with your child practice some of these ways of saying we are upset or annoyed, and how we can say sorry for causing any upset.

Show your child the 'Three scenarios PDF' and discuss what they would say in these situations.

Activity: Three scenarios

Explain to your child:

We have looked at how we might tell someone if they have upset us in some way. We have also looked at how we might say sorry to someone if we have caused them some type of upset.

But what happens if we are upset by someone and when we tell them this, they don’t care or say sorry? What if when we upset someone, they do not accept our apology when we make it?

Ask your child, and discuss their answers.

ALSO it is essential that your child understands the following key points:

Key Points:

  • It is NEVER ok to hit someone. If you feel that you might hit someone then walk away immediately and speak to a trusted adult to ask for their help to help you calm down.
  • You should always try to work out problems and issues you have with people by talking to them.
  • If you hit someone you will get in to trouble. If you are not the one that has done something wrong, do you really want to get into trouble for hitting them?
  • Hitting someone does not make a problem go away, it just gives you another problem that will now have to be sorted.
  • If there is a problem, and you cannot solve it with words, then talk to a trusted adult to get their help and support.

Show your child the situation sheet and ask them the following questions about each situation.

  • What would you advise the character in the situation to do?
  • What techniques could they use?
  • Who could they talk to?
  • If it were YOU in that situation, what would YOU do?

Activity: Situations

What's Up Duck? Quiz

Take our quiz to see what you have learnt from this story!

Togetherness. Talking. Having Fun.