In this story, Duck is in a difficult situation with Dog, but their friend, Cat comes and helps out.
In this activity we will explore the impact tobacco use has on a person.
Have a chat with your child to see if a similar situation has happened to them. Discuss any concerns they may have.
Ask your child:
Why do they think smoking is a bad idea?
If your child is unsure, you can help them, and you can also look back at the story if needed.
Tell your child:
We are now going to complete the ‘What smoking does sheet’.
Then ask your child:
Explain to your child:
We looked at tobacco use in the ‘That does not make you look more grown up’ story, but also about how children might look to copy adults, to make themselves look more grown up.
Tell your child:
Together we are now going to complete the ‘Good Ways and Bad Ways sheet’.
Display the sheet and work together with your child to complete the task by deciding if the key phrases in the middle of the sheet are good or bad ways to look more grown up.
Tell your child:
You are now going to get creative and do the finger puppet task.
Click on the link to download the ‘Finger Puppet activity PDF’ where you can print it off and give them to your child to practice their ‘refusal skills’ by following some of these example scenarios:
If you don’t have access to a printer, that is fine, just discuss the scenarios with your child.
Take our quiz to see what you have learnt from this story!