Be careful what you put in your mouth

What is the... Be careful what you put in your mouth story about?

Aims of this story

This story is designed for you to read to your child(ren) or to go through with them if they are reading it for themselves. Don't just read the story either, have a look at the pictures. What's happening? What's wrong? What would you do in that situation?

Key Messages

  • Choking hazards and how many things a child could potentially choke on.
  • How easy it is to choke on so many things.
  • Lithium Cell (Little Button) Batteries and how dangerous they are if they are licked or swallowed.

Things to do after reading the story

  • Have a go at the activities, they're fun and you and your child(ren) will enjoy them.
  • Make sure your child(ren) understand the messages from the story.
  • Make any changes at home, in the things you do or somewhere you and your child(ren) go, to help keep you all as safe as possible.

Activity: The What's in my mouth - Game

Activity: I’m going to count to X, to see how many times you can chew - Game

Video: A video showing how dangerous lithium batteries can be

Visit your local library - You will find lots of interesting things there to read and do and it's all FREE!

Be careful what you put in your mouth Quiz

Take our quiz to see what you have learnt from this story!

So remember...

Togetherness. Talking. Having Fun.