Suggested age of first use
7 +
Topics Covered
- How to interact with each other respectfully and responsibly online and offline
- How words can hurt even if they are not meant too
- How to apologise to someone if you want to, or need to
- Understanding what consent is and why it’s important to respect
- Practical coping techniques and strategies
Story Outcomes
- For children to understand what being responsible for ourselves and towards each other means
- For children to understand how our actions can affect others, positively or negatively both online and offline
- For children to understand how words can cause upset and distress to people and how easily an online message can be misunderstood
- For children to empathise with others if they are upset, effective ways of saying sorry and ways to show kindness and compassion
- For children to understand ways they can be respectful and responsible digital citizens
- For children to know what to do if someone uses words or actions and we do not like it
- For children to know when they need to involve an adult, they know they can trust and who will listen to them, if they need any help or support
We want to thank the following people and organisations for supporting the Dog, Duck and Cat Trust in developing and creating this project:
- Tom Garner - Fairhaven Primary, Dudley
- Davina Clacy – Old Church Primary, Walsall
- Sian Wellings and colleagues – Lyng Primary, Sandwell
- Mat Langowski Gadd – West Midlands Police
- Nicola Rudge and Lucy Jayes – Walsall MBC
- Dr Frazer Heritage and Dr Natasha Pope – Birmingham City University
- Pat Flynn – Online Behaviours Ltd
- Russell Stanley – Health & Wellbeing in Schools Ltd, independent PSHE education consultant
This project has been jointly funded by West Midlands Police and we are proud to work alongside them on this important subject.