Teachers & Professionals
Stories and Resources
The Digital Media Detectives
How Do I See You?
Suggested age of first use
7 +
Topics Covered
Fairness / Equitability
'How Do I See You?'
Story Outcomes
To understand how our attitudes shape our behaviours towards people because of their gender.
To raise awareness of gender inequality with children and adults.
To ensure children understand that all people, regardless of gender, are equal and deserve the same rights and respect as each other.
To understand when and how to safely challenge gender inequality.
For children to know when they need to involve an adult, or the local Police, with an issue regarding gender inequality.
To promote that children should always tell an adult they know they can trust, if they are worried or scared .
How Can I Make a Friend?
Suggested age of first use
7 +
Topics Covered
Fairness / Equitability
'How Do I See You?'
Story Outcomes
To understand different responsibilities in maintaining a friendship
To understand the importance of trust in a friendship
To be able to develop empathy in a friendship
To explore some of the qualities of being a good friend
To understand some of the boundaries in friendships
To promote that children should always tell an adult they know they can trust, if they are worried or scared
Lesson/Session Plan
ERF Project Lesson 1
ERF Project Lesson 2
ERF Project Lesson 3
ERF Project Lesson 4
ERF Project Lesson 5 & 6
Read How Do I See You
Read How Can I Make a Friend
Evaluation Form
How do I see you Resources
1. How do I see you - What have we learnt PowerPoint quiz
2. Questions to discuss sheet
3. Gender roles and pictures
4. How would we want sheet
5. Our responsiblilies
6. Feeling safe
7. Gingerbread person
8. Personal network
9. Safe contact
10. Promoting equality planning
How Do I See You? story
How can I make a friend Resources
1. How can I make a friend - What have we learnt PowerPoint quiz
2. Best ways to make a friend
3. Promoting equality planning
How can I make a friend story
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