Health & Wellbeing in Schools Ltd


Health & Wellbeing in Schools Ltd is a West Midlands based company, specialising in Personal, Social, Health & Economic education (PSHEe) support for schools and other learning providers.

Much of our work with schools is in enabling them to match their wider aims with the benefits that a strong and effective PSHEe curriculum can bring. In order to achieve this, we know that a pragmatic and holistic approach is vital against the backdrop of busy timetables and competing agendas.

Our support service offer across the spectrum of PSHEe themes includes:

  • Consultancy and advice
  • Training and professional development
  • Policy review and development
  • Subject audit and review, including evidencing practise for stakeholders
  • Curriculum support, including planning and organisation of the subject and developing best practise in delivery
  • Support in meeting and managing statutory requirements within Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education

For more information about how we can help your school, please contact Russell Stanley via

Online Behaviours


Online life is sometimes not easy - young people can find it difficult to navigate and do experience online issues, risks and harms. In a time where young people and their families are using technology more and more, it is vital they have the knowledge, skills and understanding to help keep themselves safe.

  • Do you know what your young people are doing online?
  • Do you know the pressures your young people face and the impact of online life upon them?
  • Are they receiving the education they want and need?
  • What aspects of online life worry your young people and their families?
  • Are you staff confident and empowered to discuss the latest trends and online risks?
  • Is your curriculum engaging, authentic and addressing need?
  • Are you parents and carers engaged? Do they know what to look out for? Do they feel confident and empowered to act?

Online Behaviours Ltd supports schools, young people and their families, ensuring they use technology positively and creativity in a safe and respectful way. We also support schools to make sure that they are meeting online safety statutory requirements, such as Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020.

We offer:

  • Strategic online safety advice - benchmarking, action planning and review
  • Support towards Online Safety Mark
  • Online safety curriculum planning
  • Staff professional development and training
  • Governor support and development
  • Parental/carer workshops and engagement
  • Work with young people – whole class lessons, film work, content creation
  • Assemblies and workshops
  • EPICT Online Safety staff accreditation
  • Ongoing support and guidance

We also offer the Digital Ambassadors online safety peer mentoring programme for young people and the Digital Guardians programme for parents and carers.

"Such a great training session for staff. So current and relevant. We had so many positive comments about the training so thank you!"

Online safety coordinator, West Midlands school.

For more information contact us via our website or by Twitter @onlinebehave