Our Stories

Welcome to the stories of Dog, Duck and Cat

The Dog, Duck and Cat Trust want to help you teach your child, or the children you work with, about some of the things in their world that could potentially cause them some bother. Children have accidents, that’s just a fact of life, but if we can cut down their opportunities to hurt themselves then we can help keep them out of emergency departments, or worse!

We also want to help them to develop their core skills, skills that will be needed by them today and for the rest of their lives. We want them to understand want good friendships and relationships are, to know how they can help themselves, and, know when they should seek help from a trusted adult.

Dog, Duck & Cat Trust is a registered charity and as such we rely on donations in order to continue to offer our services and resources. If you would like donate in order to help our work please make a donation to us using the 'Support Us' button above.

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The Ask Series

The Ask Series is a joint project between the Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) and the Dog, Duck and Cat Trust.

There are four stories to help 3- to 6-year-olds learn about being equal, being confident, understanding consent, gender stereotyping, understanding their right to say no to certain things and staying safe.

Sweets, treats, medicines and tablets

Duck finds himself in a difficult situation and Cat learns how she should treat others.

What makes a REAL friend?

Cat learns what a good friend is like as Chicken is in a difficult situation.

That does not make you look more grown up!

Duck is in a difficult situation with Dog, but their friend, Cat comes and helps out.

The Caretaker’s Cupboard

Grass Snake and Weasel find themselves in a difficult situation, which helps others learn from their mistakes and how dangerous household products can be if not used correctly!

Keeping people safe

Prickles is about to eat something that she shouldn’t – but unknown to her it’s very dangerous! Dog, Duck and Cat learn that things should always be put away safely in their place, to keep everyone safe from harm.

Little Paws: Cousin Dog or Wild Dog?

Little Paws finds himself getting angry because he was teased by Duck. From this situation they all learn how to treat others around you with respect.

On holiday with Dog, Duck and Cat

Duck and Prickles find themselves in a difficult situation, and Dog, Cat and their families help rescue them from harm and keep them safe.

Talking about death with your child

This story is different from many in the range. This book has been designed to help an adult (a teacher, professional or a Parent, Carer or Guardian) explain death to a child.

Caring for Cat

Cat has to go away for a while and stay with strangers and is scared. But it turns out it wasn’t so bad after all. After a short time she is reunited with her Dad.

Weasel's Friends

Cat shows Grass Snake and Toad what a good friend looks like as they are both in a bit of a difficult situation.

What's Up Duck?

Duck is struggling a little, but his friends, Cat and Dog show him kindness and try to help him so he can feel calmer, happier, and more relaxed.

You are great, as you are!

Dog is treated very badly by Weasels family. They say things to him that are nasty and hurtful, and worst of all the things they say are not even true!

Cat the Pirate

Cat does something which is very silly and really dangerous with a knife. She does not mean any harm, but Cat’s Dad needs to talk to her to help her understand and to keep her and others safe.

What happened to me?

Duck thinks he has made a great new friend online. But things take an unexpected turn when this new friend, Zebra, wants Duck to look at websites that Duck knows he should not be viewing.

The very grand event

We learn that moving our bodies more, eating well, and most of all having fun whilst we do this, is the best feeling ever!

Burn and Scald Prevention Tips

Everything you need to know to help keep your child safe from burns and scalds.

Teach Your Child How to Cross the Road Safely

Everything you need to know to help teach your child to cross the road safely.

Soggy Moggy

Moggy likes to play in the rain and post pictures of himself, but what do the other animals have to say about this?

Moggy's new medicine

Moggy tells us all about asthma, and what that means to him.

The Equality, Responsibility and Friendship (ERF) project

Our characters are faced with a situation that they are uncomfortable with and know isn’t right. The story centres around how one character, Weasel, feels that it is ok to talk to other people in a negative and disrespectful way.
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14 Lesson
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Build your media and Public presence

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$62.00 $97.00
33 Lesson
3.5 (72)

Creative writing through Storytelling

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$62.00 $97.00

Togetherness. Talking. Having Fun.