The Dog, Duck and Cat Trust want to help you teach your child, or the children you work with, about some of the things in their world that could potentially cause them some bother. Children have accidents, that’s just a fact of life, but if we can cut down their opportunities to hurt themselves then we can help keep them out of emergency departments, or worse!
We also want to help them to develop their core skills, skills that will be needed by them today and for the rest of their lives. We want them to understand want good friendships and relationships are, to know how they can help themselves, and, know when they should seek help from a trusted adult.
Dog, Duck & Cat Trust is a registered charity and as such we rely on donations in order to continue to offer our services and resources. If you would like donate in order to help our work please make a donation to us using the 'Support Us' button above.
Communia virtutes tutiorem declarat stoicorum sanabat oblivisci nostris tamquam iucunditatem
Communia virtutes tutiorem declarat stoicorum sanabat oblivisci nostris tamquam iucunditatem
Communia virtutes tutiorem declarat stoicorum sanabat oblivisci nostris tamquam iucunditatem
Communia virtutes tutiorem declarat stoicorum sanabat oblivisci nostris tamquam iucunditatem
Communia virtutes tutiorem declarat stoicorum sanabat oblivisci nostris tamquam iucunditatem
Communia virtutes tutiorem declarat stoicorum sanabat oblivisci nostris tamquam iucunditatem