4 and Above
What makes a REAL friend?

In this story, Cat learns what a good friend is like, when Chicken gets into a difficult situation.

Aims of this story

In this story we will identify some of the risks that the use of alcohol can lead to. Also we will explore what a real friend is.

Have a chat with your child to see if any situation like that has happened to them. Discuss any concerns they may have.

Key Messages

  • Be kind to new people. If you are not, they may not trust you again
  • Making fun and doing nasty things to others, for a laugh, isn’t funny and may get you in trouble. It may also lead to people not wanting to be your friend
  • Alcohol can be very dangerous
  • Alcohol should only be drunk by young people if an adult they trust, like their Mom, Dad or the person that cares for them, says its ok
  • Some people (or in our story, animals) do nasty things to others just to make themselves laugh. That is not what friends do
  • Sometimes you have to stand up to bullies. You should always tell an adult you trust though

Ask your child:

Think about the bad things that happened to Chicken after she drank alcohol. Have a chat with your child about their answers.

Display the ‘Alcohol can…poster sheet’, and discuss the three messages in the posters of why alcohol can be so bad for young children.

Activity: Alcohol can...poster sheet 1

Activity: Alcohol can...poster sheet 2

Activity: Alcohol can...poster sheet 3

Emphasise to your child:

Sometimes it is ok to have a very little sip of alcohol on very special occasions, but only if it is given to you by an adult you know it is ok to trust.

If they are offered alcohol by anyone other than you, or someone you have told them it is ok to trust, then they should refuse to drink it and should tell you or a trusted adult immediately!

Explain to your child:

Alcohol was not the only message in this story. We also looked at friendship, and how to be a good friend.

It is important to emphasise that friends should be there for us and not make us miserable or get us to do things we don’t want to.

Ask your child:

To now do the ‘What is a friend missing word sheet’

Activity: What is a friend missing word sheet

Emphasise to your child:

Sometimes it is ok to have a very little sip of alcohol on very special occasions, but only if it is given to them by an adult they know or someone they trust.

If they are offered alcohol by anyone else other than you, or someone you have told them they can trust, then they should refuse to drink it and should tell you or a trusted adult immediately!

With your child:

Complete the ‘A friend is... sheet’ by either printing the sheet or use a blank piece of paper to write on.

A friend is... is written at the top of the page. Ask your child to write down what they think a friend is. This could be a simple one-word answer, a sentence or even a drawing to represent friendship.

Activity: A friend is...

If your child is struggling, use the examples below to aid them.

Some examples:

  • Kind
  • Honest
  • Not mean to me
  • Trustworthy
  • Always there for me

What makes a REAL friend? Quiz

Take our quiz to see what you have learnt from this story!

So remember...

  1. Be kind to new people. If you are not they may not trust you again
  2. Making fun and doing nasty things to others, for a laugh, is not funny and may get you in trouble. It may also lead to people not wanting to be your friend
  3. Alcohol can be very DANGEROUS
  4. You should never try alcohol unless Mom or Dad, or the person that takes care of you, says it is OK to have a sip?
  5. Some animals (people) do nasty things to others just to make themselves laugh, that is not what friends do
  6. Sometimes you have to stand up to bullies. You should always tell an adult you trust though

Togetherness. Talking. Having Fun.